Do you ever wonder why things have to be so hard, even when there are others who do their best to make it easy for us? Whether it be in business, health or just life, we all want to be successful.  Do you know how success can be made easy?  Do you want to know the Path To Success? 

I've tried a few network marketing businesses before I was introduced to Mandura, but I didn't get really serious about it until Mandura because it was a business where everyone helped. I've only been in network marketing for a couple years and I began looking back on some simple principles that I have learned that I know can help a person be successful in building their business.  I came up with an article of these few simple principles by just using the word SUCCESS.

Unleash Strongholds
Commit Fully
Establish A Foundation
Set Goals & Stay Focused


SUPPORT – No matter what you set out to do, whether it be to build a business, lose weight, etc., it always seems so much easier when you have the support, the help from someone else.  It’s so hard being alone with no one to help and it makes it so much easier to just quit. What we set out to do can be accomplished easier and a lot quicker if we have the help. TEAMWORK is the number one key to success, because when we work as a TEAM… Together Everyone Achieves More!

UNLEASH STRONGHOLDS – Many times we find that after starting a new adventure, a new journey, a new business, we tend to allow our past failures to follow us. I think the biggest stronghold we find in many people’s lives is FEAR. Some fear rejection, failure and even success.  Face those fears right away and deal with them. Confront them to conquer them. We can’t allow the negative voices of the past to begin affecting us. SO…from the very beginning, we need to take charge right off, the strongholds in our life that keep us from becoming successful. The battle begins in the mind…with the negative thoughts that tend to try and creep in. Make a point to take captive any bad thoughts that begin, and cast them out by making it a daily practice of speaking good powerful uplifting words of Faith about you and your situation. Do not allow the “stinkin’ thinkin’ to start seeping in!

COMMIT FULLY – You must make a decision right off to be fully committed to the cause. Know the WHY of what you’re trying to accomplish. Keep that Vision of Hope alive. The vision must be strong and the hope alive. It must become a canvas painted on your heart. A hope more real than the natural circumstances.

Remember..if the vision dies….the business dies.
Because…if hope cannot see, faith cannot bring.

CHANGE – You are going to have to realize that from the very beginning, you have to make the decision that you are going to have to not only expect change but also welcome it.  You may have to do some things that you’ve never done before. Maybe some things that you never tried because of fear and you basically have no idea how you would be with it…successful or a failure. You need to take risks, take steps, give it a try and not allow yourself to be defeated in the very beginning with your preconceived ideas without even trying.

Keep in mind that if you continue to do what you’ve always done, and never try to change, then nothing will ever be better because you already know that what you’ve been doing has not been working for you. You will still continue in the same rut you are in.

ESTABLISH FOUNDATION – Just like when building anything, you need a plan. When losing weight, you need a plan. When building a business, you need a plan to follow. And the plan must first be started with a firm foundation, something that you know will work, otherwise, it will just crumble down right underneath you.

As the saying goes…If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

IMPLICITY – Keep the plan as simple as possible. We all know by our own experiences in the past, that we hate anything complicated because it just exhausts us and is then easy to give up on. So, keep it simple. Keeping it simple not only helps you but it will also be easy for someone else to follow you who has the same need and makes the decision as you have, to do something about it.

SET GOALS and STAY FOCUSED – It is very important to set some goals. If we have absolutely no idea where we are headed then we tend to lose focus easily, thus allowing distractions to blur our vision and then we lose sight of what we really wanted in the beginning. I think that setting goals is very important because when we have those goals set before us, it tends to keep us motivated and determined.

Set realistic goals yet a bit out of reach so that when you reach it, you will know that you worked extremely hard to do so, and you will benefit tremendously from the outcome. Keep continually analyzing, re-analyzing and resetting your goals, hopefully higher than they were the last time you set them, and reached them.

Connie J. Schmoll
9/8/2010 07:34:40 am

Thank You Connie! Your words ring loud and true my favorite is: "If HOPE can not See. FAITH can not bring".

9/8/2010 07:49:50 am

And with Faith comes Wisdom! Great article!!

9/8/2010 10:04:33 am

Well written Connie...simply laid out & excellent advice for us to follow. Thank you.

9/10/2010 09:31:55 am

Thanks everyone. And yes, Jon...that too is one of my favorite sayings that I am always telling people.

I have definitely found it impossible to have faith if hope is not present.

I LOVE this site! Great idea! Thanks for letting me be a part of it.

9/12/2010 10:52:30 am

A very good site and great reading congratulations now more determined than ever to loose the weight and help others.


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